We are so happy you are considering becoming a part of EYP Sweden as a member! When becoming a member you get the opportunity to engage in EYP activities, whether it is through your school and a Local Board, as a person who has graduated secondary school or as someone not attending secondary school. In the head menu under the Participant section you can read more about how to engage and which projects are open right now. You can always join Members of EYP Sweden slack to be always updated on opportunities within the organisation here.
Welcome Kit
Here you will find good to know-documents for you as a new member. Please scroll through them to learn more about what we do as an organisation and what you can do as a member!

Travel Grant
EYP Sweden offers members travelling to international EYP sessions and events the opportunity to apply for a travel grant. Intercultural exchange is one of the cornerstones of the EYP, and we believe everyone should have the ability to participate in the many sessions and activities hosted each year by our organisation throughout Europe. EYP Sweden therefore invites both new and experienced members to apply for the travel grant. The grant is paid retroactively, and consists of a minimum of 500 SEK up to a maximum of 3000 SEK. All members of EYP Sweden are welcome to apply. The application form can be found here. EYP Sweden’s Scholarship Board, consisting of alumni and a member of the National Board, decides on the grant recipients.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Scholarship Board
Call for Officials
The European Youth Parliament Sweden organises four regional sessions and one national session each year that are fully volunteer-based. Every year our sessions gather around 150 youth volunteers from all over Europe in order to give Swedish youth the possibility to voice their opinions and personal development. There are different teams at the sessions; the academic team, the media team, the jury team and the organising team, working together to create the best session possible. The Officials Team not only contribute to welcoming a new generation of EYP:ers in Sweden, but also provides a platform for open discussions on some of the most pressing issues we face today.
The Organising Team
The Organising Team of sessions consists of one to three project managers, maybe a few core organisers, and two to ten organisers. The Organising Team works mainly on booking the venues, food, fundraising and booking guest speakers. The organisers help bring the session vision to reality and create a welcoming atmosphere for both officials and delegates.
The Project Managers create the vision for their session and are the ones that can shape the session based on that vision. They have a major role in all selection panels, which is the process of selecting officials participating in the session together with the leadership.

The Academic Team
The Academic Team of sessions consists of one President, two to three vice presidents and five to twelve chairs that guide and create the academic output. The academic output consists of the academic prep kits with topic overviews and is responsible for the academic pre-session work, committee work, resolution typing and General Assembly.
As president or vice-president for a session, you will be given extensive opportunities to work on different aspects of the session. Such can be taking a crucial part in the selection process of the academic team. As a chair, you will be supported by the leadership to write the topic overviews which are distributed to the delegates prior to the session, lead the committee’s work during a session, and support your delegates during the general assembly.
The Media Team
The Media Team of a session consists of one to two Editor(s), two to three Editorial Assistants and three to ten Media Team Members depending on the size of the session. This team works together to create the media output. Such output is usually infographics, videos and photos of the session. The Media Team is generally less bounded by the session elements than the other teams since they work on projects independently.
As an Editor, you take part in the leadership of a session, and you are given the opportunity to form your vision for your team, but also take a crucial part in selecting the Media Team. The Editor, Editorial Assistants and Media Team Members work closely together to create the media output prior to, during and after the session.

The Jury Team
The Jury Team of sessions consists of one Head of Jury and two to three jury members. This team works to provide a fair selection of delegates in the National Selection Process. The Jury Team follows the selection criteria that are agreed upon and voted on by EYP Sweden. EYP Sweden’s National Board helped with the implementation of the criteria at the session.
As Head of Jury, you will be given the opportunity to form the vision for the Jury Team, have a crucial role in the selection process of the jury team as well as help the leadership of the officials team. As a Jury Member, you will help delegates further develop their skills by providing them with feedback.
Application for the officials team
In order to be an official at our sessions, you need to send in an application when calls open. Since the regional sessions take place in November, and the national session usually takes place in March, the calls open regularly, especially during the summer and autumn.
If you want to apply as a project manager, the bid to host a session is usually open in January or February. It is recommended that if you want to apply as a regional session project manager, you should attend at least one session firstly as a delegate and maybe as an official. If you want to apply as a national session project manager, it is recommended that you should have been an official beforehand, preferably as an organiser or regional project manager. These recommendations are not a must hence we look at the quality you can bring rather than the experience you have.
Different official roles require different prerequisites. For example, if you want to apply as a chair to a regional session, your level of experience in the organisation can be as new as a delegate. But if you to be a vice-president in a regional session, you must have chaired at least once or twice beforehand to understand the academic process. The level of experience required becomes more demanding the bigger the session is. To be a President, Editor, or Head of Jury, it is highly recommended that you have been part of that specific team before such as a Chair or a Vice-President to be a President. A Media Team Member or Editorial Assistant to be an Editor. A jury member if you wish to be a Head of Jury.
If you want to apply as an official, keep an eye on our social media (Facebook, Instagram etc.) hence we make posts when calls are open for officials. The Calls open on EYP Members Platform, and it is required to create an account to send in your application.

Local and Regional Engagement
EYP Sweden’s structure is divided into four regions: North, East, West and South, which all have their own boards.
EYP North consists of Jämtland, Härjedalen, Norrbotten, Västerbotten, Västernorrland and Gävleborg.
EYP East consists of Stockholm, Uppsala, Södermanland, Östergötland, Gotland and Västmanland.
EYP West consists of Västra Götaland, Värmland, Jönköping, Örebro and Dalarna.
EYP South consists of Skåne, Blekinge, Kronoberg, Kalmar and Halland.
The four Regional Boards are coordinated by the National Board, and they have the main responsibility for coordinating the Local Boards within their region. Local Boards are formed at secondary schools by EYP-members and have to consist of at least three members. The Local Boards are free to plan activities and engage other students at their school in EYP.
Our regional and local activities are organised by driven and engaged members. If you would like to learn more about the organisation and how EYP Sweden works, we encourage you to get in touch with the Regional Board close to you to learn more.
Board Academic Training (BAT)
Board Academic Training is an event that is held for two days once a year in order for the National Board to get to know the elected members as well as prepare them for their engagement in the organisation and also set up goals for the year. It is held by trustees from the National Board. During the event, you will learn about how to encourage engagement, how to work with the Regional Sessions and how to plan the Board’s work among other things. It also allows the Regional Board trustees from all regions to meet and get to know each other! The place and city where BAT is hosted differ from year to yearr.
We think it is absolutely necessary that trustees get the right tools to be able to do a good, meaningful and sustainable engagement during their time on the Board. Some of the trustees have never been part of any youth boards, and therefore it is important that they feel comfortable and confident with their work.
Not a student in a secondary school?
You do not have to be a student in a secondary school to be a member or to engage in EYP Sweden’s activities. Below you will find information on how to engage outside of a school.
Wildcard: You can still apply for sessions, regional, national and international ones, even if you are not a student in a secondary school. That is called being a Wildcard. A Wildcard applies as an individual rather than being part of a delegation (the four students representing their school). We always make announcements on our social media when we open calls for wildcards as there is always a spot available for them in any session.
Officials: Ahead of a session you can apply for a role as an official. An official can be a chairperson, a journalist/media person or an organiser. Officials have a position of responsibility during the session and are representatives of the organisation. You can read more about the roles here.
International engagement: Other National Committees in Europe are often looking for delegates and officials from other EYP countries to join their sessions. This is announced on a Facebook group and Members Platform.
National/Regional Board: Join the National or Regional Boards! Once a year in May/June new trustees of the Boards are democratically selected at the yearly meetings. We always encourage and welcome members to apply for the posts! When the time has come you can read more about this on EYP Sweden’s social media.
Committees of EYP Sweden: You are also welcome to be part of the Committees of EYP Sweden, which you can read more about below.
Committees of EYP Sweden
Committees of EYP Sweden is a relatively new project aimed to provide a platform for our members to engage in a more long-term discussion about a topic of their choice. Joining a committee of EYP Sweden is an opportunity to engage in dialogue with decision-makers and impact civil society. You will be able to obtain in-depth knowledge about topics such as climate change, human rights, equality, international cooperation and democracy.
The work of the committees lasts for a few months, and you have the chance to present your findings on our social media to all members of EYP Sweden; a thousand engaged young people throughout Sweden.
The Committees will be led by a chairperson, much like during a regular session. This chair will be in charge of scheduling the group’s meetings, planning out what to discuss during each meeting, and ensuring that the group has a structure to work within. The chair will not be an expert on the topics, but will act as support and guide the committee through the practical elements of their work.
The committee decides internally how often they would like to meet, how they want to structure their work, and how to divide the work within the group. The work will be continuous over the course of a few months and is aimed at creating a carefully crafted resolution on the topic. This will include research, knowledge building, debates, formulating ideas and working out solutions.
At the end of the work, each committee will present its resolution to all members of EYP Sweden and have the opportunity to affect decision-makers.
You can find the last round’s resolution here.
Nordic Mentorship Programme
EYP Sweden, Norway and Finland created a Nordic Mentoring Program led by EYP Finland. Through the program, active members of EYP learn how to get the most out of the EYP experience and how to use the gained skills in the future and become active citizens.
Mentoring pairs meet approximately four times (online) and at the end of the year, all participants of the program will gather for a weekend-long seminar in Helsinki. Travel and accommodation for mentors are covered.
Mentoring offers you the opportunity to:
- develop your communication skills and learn about mentoring
- reflect on your own experience in EYP
- Share your experience with motivated members of EYP
- connect with the network in a new way
More information could be found on EYP Finland’s website
Campaigns are an important part of EYP Sweden’s operations. These can be media campaigns or physical campaigns which aim to increase the commitment of our members and spread knowledge to our followers. The purpose of these guidelines is to simplify the creative process of a campaign and make it clear how EYP Sweden works with this.
The Campaigns that EYP Sweden organises are focused on the principles on which the EYP is founded or issues that are important to youth in Sweden and around Europe.
Here you can find information about EYP Sweden’s previous campaigns.